
Christian William of Brandenburg (1587-1665)

"Christian Wilhelm of Brandenburg (28 August 1587 in Wolmirstedt – 1 January 1665 in Zinna Abbey) was a titular Margrave of Brandenburg, and from 1598 to 1631 Archbishop of Magdeburg." - ( 31.01.2020)

Relationships with persons or entities via objects

(The left column lists the relations of this actor to objects in the right column. In the middle you find other actors in relation to the same objects.)

Was depicted (Actor) Christian William of Brandenburg (1587-1665)
Template creation / Published / Drawn Matthäus Merian (1593-1650) ()
Template creation Isaak Henniges ()
Was depicted (Actor) Frederick William (1620-1688) ()
Printing plate produced / Published Wolfgang Kilian (1581-1662) ()
Printing plate produced Seitz, Joseph ()
Printing plate produced Christoph Melchior Roth (1720-1798) ()

Commissioned Christian William of Brandenburg (1587-1665)
Template creation Isaak Henniges ()