
Elisabeth von Sachsen-Meiningen (1681-1766)

"Elisabeth of Sachsen-Meiningen (3 December 1681 - 24 December 1766) was a princess of Sachsen-Meiningen. Between 1713 and her death in 1766 she was long-serving Abbess at the free imperial secular [quasi-monastic] foundation at Gandersheim ("Kaiserlich freies weltliches Reichsstift Gandersheim")." - ( 12.08.2021)

Relationships with persons or entities via objects

(The left column lists the relations of this actor to objects in the right column. In the middle you find other actors in relation to the same objects.)

Was depicted (Actor) Elisabeth von Sachsen-Meiningen (1681-1766)
Painted / Intellectual creation Johann Peter ( tätig um 1726-1738) Haburg ()
Printing plate produced Anton August Beck (1713-1787) ()
Printing plate produced Johann Georg Wolfgang (1662-1744) ()