
Marie Louise Gonzaga (1611-1667)

"Marie Louise Gonzaga (Polish: Ludwika Maria; 18 August 1611 – 10 May 1667) was Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania by marriage to two kings of Poland and grand dukes of Lithuania, brothers Władysław IV and John II Casimir. She was born in Nevers to Charles I, Duke of Mantua, and Catherine of Guise.

An active and energetic woman, she was a strong supporter of monarchy and religious persecution, for which she was disliked by the highly democratic Polish court and Polish nobility. However, she managed to stay involved in the Commonwealth´s politics, which led to the foundation of the first Polish newspaper as well as other public institutions." - ( 03.10.2020)

Relationships with persons or entities via objects

(The left column lists the relations of this actor to objects in the right column. In the middle you find other actors in relation to the same objects.)

Was depicted (Actor) Marie Louise Gonzaga (1611-1667)
Printing plate produced Jeremias Falck (1620-1677) ()
Printing plate produced / Intellectual creation Raphael Custos (1590-1664) ()
Printing plate produced Robert Nanteuil (1623-1678) ()
Printing plate produced Peter Aubry (1596-1666) ()
Printing plate produced / Painted / Intellectual creation Claude Mellan (1598-1688) ()
Intellectual creation / Painted Justus van Egmont (1601-1674) ()