
Henry Roberts (-1790)

"Henry Roberts was an English engraver, printseller and music publisher operating from London in the 18th century.

In 1739 he published a work called Calliope or English Harmony, which he described as:a collection of the most celebrated English and Scots songs, neatly engrav'd and embelish'd with designs adapted to the subject of each song taken from the compositions of the best masters, in the most correct manner with the thorough bass and transpositions for the flute proper for all teachers, scholars, and lovers of musick; printed on a fine paper, on each side which renders the undertaking more compleat than any thing of the kind ever publish'd" - (Wikipedia (en) 01.12.2021)

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Druckplatte hergestellt Henry Roberts (-1790)
Veröffentlicht John Bowles & Son ()
Vorlagenerstellung Samuel Wale (1721-1786) ()
[Person-Körperschaft-Bezug] August Wredow (1804-1891) ()