

"The Cubeo are an ethnic group of the Vaupés Department (Colombia). Cubeo is a generic name that is used in local Spanish and appears in the literature in reference to a social and linguistic group. Although the term does not have any meaning in their language, the Cubeo refer to themselves by that name in interactions with others. There is no common native name, aside from referring to themselves as "people" (pâmiwâ) or, more precisely, "my people" (jiwa). An individual's social identification is based on his or her adscription to a mythical clan forebear whose name is used as an eponym." - (Wikipedia (en) 10.04.2024)

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Készítés Cubeo
Készítés / [Kapcsolódó személyek/ intézmények] Káua (Baniwa) ()

[Kapcsolódó személyek/ intézmények] Cubeo
Készítés / [Kapcsolódó személyek/ intézmények] Káua (Baniwa) ()
Felvétel készítése Theodor Koch-Grünberg (1872-1924) ()