
John Bennett (Verleger) (1760-1787)

John Bennett (publisher/printer; British; Male; fl. 1760 - d. 1787)
Also known as: Bennett, John
Address: 53 Fleet Street, London
Biography: Print publisher. 1760, went to live with Robert Sayer (q.v.) as a servant, apprenticed to him in 1765; 1774, free and journeyman. Thereafter they issued joint advertisements anbd published plates with a joint imprint, with agreement that after four years Bennett would become a partner with one-third share in business. 1777, formal partnership agreed with Sayer providing security for a loan taken by Bennett to buy his share. 1781, Bennett began to show signs of insanity and in 1783 was admitted to Dr Thomas Munro’s Brookhouse asylum in Clapton for nine months. In June 1784 Sayer brought a case to dissolve partnership (see above) and Bennett’s name disappears from partnership and imprints in 1785 (see Jonathan Andrews & Andrew Scull, ’John Monro and mad-doctoring in 18c England’, UCLA Press 2001, pp.179-81.)
He died in Islington on 8 Dec. 1787. There was a notice in the Gentleman’s Magazine for December 1787. His will is in the National Archives: PRO.PROB 11/1159; it was signed 22 Mar. 1784, proved 22 Dec. 1787 (information from Ralph Hyde). Bill-head in Heal Collection (Heal,100.64) states "Bought of R Sayer & J Bennett, Map, Chart & Printsellers, No. 53 Fleet Street." The bill is dated "London 18th June ’83."
Bibliography: Susanna Fisher, "The Makers of the Blueback Charts: a history of Imray, Laurie, Norie & Wilson", 2001." -, 11.08.2018

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Published John Bennett (Verleger) (1760-1787)