
Colin Murray (Fotograf) (1840-1884)

"In the late 1860s, Murray was attached to the court of Sir Ram Singh Bahadur, Maharaja of Jaipur, to whom he taught photography. In 1872, Murray became a partner in the firm Bourne & Shepherd when he replaced Samuel Bourne as head photographer. Murray collaborated with John Edward Saché and some photographs are signed "Saché & Murray," but the dates of the collaboration are unknown. It is also unknown if Murray ever officially joined Saché in business." - Ulan, 11.08.2018

"Born: Colin Roderick Murray
Dates: 1840, 25 December - 1884, 29 December
Born: Scotland, Hebrides, Lewis
Died: India, Calcutta
Active: India
Took photographs for the company Bourne & Shepherd during the British Raj in India. After Samuel Bourne returned to England in 1870 Colin Murray took over as the head photographer of Bourne & Shepherd. At this time Charles Shepherd, who had primarily worked as the printer for his firms, continued to run the company and when he left in 1885 Murray took over as the principal. Bourne & Shepherd continues to operate today in Kolkata, India." -, 07.06.2020

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Készítés Colin Murray (Fotograf) (1840-1884)