
Johanna Dorothea Sysang (1729-1791)

"Johanna Dorothea Sysang, gift Phillip (født 7. april 1729 i Dresden, død 2. marts 1791 i Leipzig) var en tysk kobberstikker.

Hun var datter af kobberstikkeren Johann Christoph Sysang (1703-1757). Hun har bl.a. stukket Ludvig Holberg (1780) og ornitologiske tegninger.

I 1755 ægtede hun embedsmanden G. Philipp og signerede derefter sine værker "J. D. Philippin, geb. Sysangin"." - (Wikipedia (da) 22.10.2020)

Relationships with persons or entities via objects

(The left column lists the relations of this actor to objects in the right column. In the middle you find other actors in relation to the same objects.)

Created Johanna Dorothea Sysang (1729-1791)
Was depicted (Actor) Martin Luther (1483-1546) ()
Was depicted (Actor) Andreas Hyperius (1511-1564) ()

Printing plate produced Johanna Dorothea Sysang (1729-1791)
Was depicted (Actor) Friedrich Boerner (1723-1761) ()
Printing plate produced Johann Christoph Sysang (1703-1757) ()

[Relation to person or institution] Johanna Dorothea Sysang (1729-1791)
Was depicted (Actor) Johann Jakob Reiske (1716-1774) ()