
Konrad Zschiedrich (1935-2019)

"Konrad Zschiedrich (* 11. März 1936; † 23. August 2019) war ein deutscher Theaterregisseur, Dramaturg und Übersetzer. Er machte sich insbesondere um die Durchsetzung des irischen Dramatikers Seán O’Casey im deutschen Sprachraum verdient.

Konrad Zschiedrich arbeitete als Regisseur u. a. am Berliner Ensemble, an den Theatern Leipzig, Magdeburg, Cottbus, Senftenberg und Weimar. Ab 1986 inszenierte und unterrichtete er vorwiegend in Barcelona." - (Wikipedia (de) 17.05.2024)

Relationships with persons or entities via objects

(The left column lists the relations of this actor to objects in the right column. In the middle you find other actors in relation to the same objects.)

[Relation to person or institution] Konrad Zschiedrich (1935-2019)
[Relation to person or institution] Ernst Busch Academy of Dramatic Arts ()
[Relation to person or institution] Berliner Arbeiter- und Studententheater ()
[Relation to person or institution] Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Karl Marx (1818-1883) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Auguste Raffet (1804-1860) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Georg Büchner (1813-1837) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Jacques-Louis David (1748-1825) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Max Frisch (1911-1991) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Karl Gutzkow (1811-1878) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Wolfgang Heise (1925-1987) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Institut für Schauspielregie ()
[Relation to person or institution] Wilhelm Büchner (1816-1892) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Berliner Zeitung ()
[Relation to person or institution] Sonntag (Wochenzeitung) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Carin Abicht (1943-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Hermann Beyer (1868-1955) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Klaus Brasch (1950-1980) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Jörg Gillner (1942-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Gabriele Gysi (1946-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Holger Mahlich (1945-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Katja Paryla (1940-2013) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Otmar Richter (1938-2023) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Ekkehard Schall (1930-2005) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Heidemarie Schneider (1944-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Klaus-Peter Thiele (1940-2011) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Hasso von Lenski (1942-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Arno Wyzniewski (1938-1997) ()
Intellectual creation Werner Heinitz (1928-) ()