
Prussian Settlement Commission

"The Prussian Settlement Commission (German: Königlich Preußische Ansiedlungskommission in den Provinzen Westpreußen und Posen; Polish: Królewska Komisja Osadnicza dla Prus Zachodnich i Poznańskiego; English: Royal Prussian Settlement Commission in the Provinces West Prussia and Posen) was a Prussian government commission that operated between 1886 and 1924, but actively only until 1918. It was set up by Otto von Bismarck to increase land ownership by Germans at the expense of Poles, by economic and political means, in the German Empire´s eastern provinces of West Prussia and the Posen as part of his larger efforts aiming at the eradication of the Polish nation. The Commission was motivated by anti-Polish sentiment and racism." - ( 29.11.2019)

Relationships with persons or entities via objects

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Commissioned Prussian Settlement Commission