
Berliner Arbeiter- und Studententheater

Das Berliner Arbeiter- und Studententheater (bat) ist das Studiotheater der Hochschule für Schauspielkunst „Ernst Busch“ Berlin (HFS). Das Theater befindet sich im Ortsteil Prenzlauer Berg. An diesem Theater inszenieren heute Regiestudenten und Dozenten (u. a. die Schauspieler Angelika Waller und Manfred Karge) und besetzen zumeist die Schauspielstudenten der Hochschule. So hatten unter anderem August Diehl und Julia Jentsch ihre ersten Auftritte am bat.

Relationships with persons or entities via objects

(The left column lists the relations of this actor to objects in the right column. In the middle you find other actors in relation to the same objects.)

[Relation to person or institution] Berliner Arbeiter- und Studententheater
Image taken / Written Hans Pölkow (1934-2021) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Ulrich Anschütz (1945-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Monica Bielenstein (1948-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Piet Drescher (1939-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Hanns Eisler (1898-1962) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Jörg Gudzuhn (1945-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Gabriele Gysi (1946-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Edgar Harter (1945-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Gabriele Heinz (1947-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Roland Hemmo (1946-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Jürgen Huth (1944-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Volker Pfüller (1939-2020) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Klaus-Peter Pleßow (1948-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Arndt-Michael Schade (1943-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Uta Schorn (1947-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Bernd Stegemann (1949-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Bernd Storch (1947-2018) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Reinhard Straube (1946-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Ernst Busch Academy of Dramatic Arts ()
[Relation to person or institution] Berliner Ensemble ()
[Relation to person or institution] Volksbühne ()
[Relation to person or institution] Wolfgang Bömelburg (1933-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Vera Irrgang (1946-2021) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Erwin Strittmatter (1912-1994) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Berliner Kurier ()
[Relation to person or institution] Berliner Zeitung ()
[Relation to person or institution] / Was depicted (Actor) Peter Aust (1939-1996) ()
[Relation to person or institution] / Was depicted (Actor) Hermann Beyer (1943-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Uta Birnbaum (1932-2022) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Gerd Blahuschek (1943-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956) ()
[Relation to person or institution] / Was depicted (Actor) Carl Heinz Choynski (1936-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Paul Dessau (1894-1979) ()
[Relation to person or institution] / Was depicted (Actor) Tim Hoffmann (1943-2015) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Peer Jäger (1943-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Alexander Lang (1941-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] / Was depicted (Actor) Klaus Manchen (1936-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Klaus-Jürgen Steinmann (1941-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] / Was depicted (Actor) Alexander Wikarski (1940-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Hans Brosch (1943-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] / Was depicted (Actor) Alexander Stillmark (1941-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Hildegard Buchwald (1917-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Neues Deutschland ()
[Relation to person or institution] Die Weltbühne ()
[Relation to person or institution] Rudolf Penka (1923-1990) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Hans Bentzien (1927-2015) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Deutsches Theater (Berlin) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Bernhard Baier (1946-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Eckhard Becker (1945-2009) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Eduard Fischer (1916-1992) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Michael Gwisdek (1942-2020) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Peter Hacks (1928-2003) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Klaus Hecke (1944-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] / Was depicted (Actor) Jürgen Hilbrecht (1942-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Peter Hladik (1941-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Jörg Knochée (1944-1989) ()
[Relation to person or institution] / Was depicted (Actor) Renate Krößner (1945-2020) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Günter Kurze (1943-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Cornelia Schmaus (1946-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Walfriede Schmitt (1943-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] / Was depicted (Actor) Stefan Schütz (1944-2022) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Hans-Gerd Sonnenburg (1943-2012) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Ursula Staack (1943-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Heidemarie Wenzel (1945-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Hans-Dieter Hosalla (1919-1995) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Gisela Leipert (1942-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Der Morgen ()
[Relation to person or institution] Eulenspiegel ()
[Relation to person or institution] Die Andere Zeitung ()
[Relation to person or institution] Deutsche Volkszeitung ()
[Relation to person or institution] Prager Volkszeitung ()
[Relation to person or institution] Elke Brosch (1942-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Christian Grashof (1943-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Gert Kießling (1944-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Uwe Kockisch (1944-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Horst Krause (1941-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Hans-Joachim Leschnitz (1944-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Jürgen Reuter (1941-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Manfred Richter (1944-2012) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Sigrid Skoetz (1944-2021) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Vladimir Bill-Belotserkovsky (1885-1970) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Kurt Seeger (1901-1977) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Deutscher Fernsehfunk ()
[Relation to person or institution] Berlin State Opera ()
[Relation to person or institution] Wolfgang Brumm (1947-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Hansjürgen Hürrig (1944-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Gösta Knothe (1948-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Karin Oehme (1946-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Walter Plathe (1950-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Jalda Rebling (1951-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Stefan Staudinger (1950-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Berndt Stichler (1945-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Katarina Tomaschewsky (1949-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Hella Wuolijoki (1886-1954) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Christian Kozik (1934-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Wolfgang Adam (1948-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Elisabeth Zwieg-Knothe (1949-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Udo Genschmer ()
[Relation to person or institution] Christoph Heckel (1792-1858) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Bernd Lange (1951-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Maximilian Löser (1953-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Gerald Schaale (1955-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Peter Schroth (1940-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Peter Kleinert (1947-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Kurt Weill (1900-1950) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Uwe Hilprecht (1939-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Christoph Heckel (1953-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Theater der Altmark ()
[Relation to person or institution] Winckelmann-Gesellschaft ()
[Relation to person or institution] Dietrich Ebener (1920-2011) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Euripides (-480--406) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Franz Fühmann (1922-1984) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Werner Heinitz (1928-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Heinz Hellmich (1924-2008) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Harro Korn (1955-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Astrid Krenz ()
[Relation to person or institution] Horst-Günter Marx (1955-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Karl Marx (1818-1883) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Karin Mikityla (1956-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Mario von Jascheroff (1959-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Andreas Schumann (1957-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Hans-Georg Simmgen (1932-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Fernsehen der DDR ()
[Relation to person or institution] / Was depicted (Actor) Peter W. Bachmann (1955-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Matthias Brenner (1957-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Georges Courteline (1858-1929) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Lothar Ehrlich (1943-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Nicole Haase (1956-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] / Was depicted (Actor) Thomas Harms (1957-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] / Was depicted (Actor) Franziska Hayner (1961-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Michael Kind (1953-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Joachim Nimtz (1957-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] / Was depicted (Actor) Thomas Rühmann (1955-) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Manuel Soubeyrand (1956-2022) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Ulrich Engelmann ()
[Relation to person or institution] Heinz Wenzel (1914-1974) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Junge Welt ()
[Relation to person or institution] Sonntag (Wochenzeitung) ()
Intellectual creation Günter Jeschonnek (1950-) ()