
Aleksei Yeliseyev (1934-)

Aleksei Stanislavovich Yeliseyev (Russian: Алексей Станиславович Елисеев; born 13 July 1934) is a retired Soviet cosmonaut who flew on three missions in the Soyuz programme as a flight engineer: Soyuz 5 , Soyuz 8, and Soyuz 10. He made the world´s eighth spacewalk during Soyuz 5 in 1969.

Aleksei´s father was Lithuanian with the last name Kuraitis, who died in the Soviet´s Gulag as an enemy of the people. Aleksei uses his mother´s last name "Yeliseyev" so some regard him as also being a Lithuanian cosmonaut.

Relationships with persons or entities via objects

(The left column lists the relations of this actor to objects in the right column. In the middle you find other actors in relation to the same objects.)

Was depicted (Actor) Aleksei Yeliseyev (1934-)
Was depicted (Actor) Vladimir Shatalov (1927-2021) ()
Was depicted (Actor) Boris Volynov (1934-) ()