
Marie Elisabeth Theune (1768-1849)

"Marie Elisabeth Theune formerly Klentz. Born October 9, 1768 in Lüchstedt. ... Wife of Karl Gottfried Theune — married April 3, 1796 [location unknown] ... Mother of Paul Theune, Johanne Henriette Wilhelmine Sophie Theune, Albertine Charlotte Friederike Theune, Franz Albert Theodor Theune, Eduard Carl Adolf Theune, Albert August Theune, Albertine Juliane Ulrike Theune, Ernestine Ulrike Theune and Hermann Theodor Rudolf Theune. Died April 1, 1849 in Stendal" (, besucht 27.06.2016)

Relationships with persons or entities via objects

(The left column lists the relations of this actor to objects in the right column. In the middle you find other actors in relation to the same objects.)

Was depicted (Actor) Marie Elisabeth Theune (1768-1849)