
François Périer (1919-2002)

"François Périer (born François Pillu; 10 November 1919 – 29 June 2002), was a French actor renowned for his expressiveness and diversity of roles.

He made over 110 film and TV appearances between 1938 and 1996, with notable excursion into the French avant-garde. He was also prominent in the theatre. Among his best-known parts was that of Hugo in the first production of Jean-Paul Sartre´s Les Mains Sales in 1948. He was the narrator of the French-language version of Fantasia, and made several commercial audio recordings (with commentary) popularizing classical music in France. In 1956 he won the BAFTA Award for Best Actor for his performance in the film Gervaise." - ( 06.12.2020)

Relationships with persons or entities via objects

(The left column lists the relations of this actor to objects in the right column. In the middle you find other actors in relation to the same objects.)

Was depicted (Actor) François Périer (1919-2002)
Published Progress Film ()
Was depicted (Actor) José Suárez (1919-1981) ()
Was depicted (Actor) Jacqueline Sassard (1940-) ()
Intellectual creation Horst Wendt (Grafiker) ()