
Pietro Antonio Novelli (1729-1804)

"Pietro Antonio Novelli (1729–1804) was an Italian painter and engraver.

Novelli trained with the Venetian painter Jacopo Amigoni. In 1768, he was accepted as a member of the Accademia di Belle Artid in Venice. Novelli produced altarpieces and frescoes throughout northern Italy. Some of his commissions came from Catherine the Great. He moved to Rome around 1779 where he remained for over 20 years. He later returned to Venice where he died in 1804. His memoirs were published posthumously in 1834." - ( 06.09.2020)

Relationships with persons or entities via objects

(The left column lists the relations of this actor to objects in the right column. In the middle you find other actors in relation to the same objects.)

Painted Pietro Antonio Novelli (1729-1804)
Was depicted (Actor) Kostka, Stanislaus [Heiliger] ()
Printing plate produced Pellegrino dal Colle (1737-1812) ()

Intellectual creation Pietro Antonio Novelli (1729-1804)
Was depicted (Actor) Kostka, Stanislaus [Heiliger] ()
Printing plate produced Pellegrino dal Colle (1737-1812) ()