
Jakob Zagar (1530-)

"Zagar, Jacques (Flem.). Lawyer, author and statesman, known also as a Medallist, flourished in the third quarter of the sixteenth century. Nagler, in 1852, first mentions his name in his Neues Allgemeines Künstler-Lexikon, t. XXII, p. 176. Pinchart in the Rev. belge num., 1854, p. 334, and later in his Histoire de la Gravure des Médailles en Belgique depus le XV siécle jusquèn 1794, 1870, devoted a notice on him. ... Little is however known of his career. The fact has been established that he was of Flemish, and not Spanish origin, and that his family came from Goes in Zeeland, several members of which had obtained burghership of the town of Zerikzee.
Zagar studied law at the university of Bourges. In 1557 he is mentioned as Secretary of the town of Middelburgh; ten years later, in 1567, he was filling the high office of First Pensioner of that city, and in 1569 he is known to hav attended a meeting summoned at Brussels by the Duke of Alba. Dr. Simonis states that some time later he went again to Brussels to plead on behalf of the citizens of Middelburgh for a reduction of their heavy taxes.
Zagar is supposed to be the author of the medal presenting his own portraid (illustrated), with the legend: i. Zagar. Disc. Fa. D. Egvin. Baroni. i. c. Claris (Jacobus Zagarus discipulus familiaris doctoris Equinarii Baroni jurisconsulti clarissimi)." - Leonhard Forrer, Biographical Dictionary of Medallists, Bd. 6, London 1916, S. 715-717

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Created Jakob Zagar (1530-)
Was depicted (Actor) Augustyn Verburcht ()