
Lion Feuchtwanger (1884-1958)

"Lion Feuchtwanger (German: [ˈfɔɪçtˌvaŋɐ]; 7 July 1884 – 21 December 1958) was a German-Jewish novelist and playwright. A prominent figure in the literary world of Weimar Germany, he influenced contemporaries including playwright Bertolt Brecht.

Feuchtwanger´s Judaism and fierce criticism of the Nazi Party, years before it assumed power, ensured that he would be a target of government-sponsored persecution after Adolf Hitler´s appointment as chancellor of Germany in January 1933. Following a brief period of internment in France and a harrowing escape from Continental Europe, he found asylum in the United States, where he died in 1958." - ( 30.01.2020)

Relationships with persons or entities via objects

(The left column lists the relations of this actor to objects in the right column. In the middle you find other actors in relation to the same objects.)

Written Lion Feuchtwanger (1884-1958)

[Relation to person or institution] Lion Feuchtwanger (1884-1958)
[Relation to person or institution] Ernst Busch Academy of Dramatic Arts ()
[Relation to person or institution] Volksbühne ()
[Relation to person or institution] Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Walter Dehmel (1903-1960) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Alfred Döblin (1878-1957) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Hanns Eisler (1898-1962) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Hans Fallada (1893-1947) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Yvan Goll (1891-1950) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Walter Hasenclever (1890-1940) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Otto Fritz Hayner (1933-2018) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Robert Heindl (1883-1953) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Max Herrmann-Neiße (1886-1941) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Erich Honecker (1912-1994) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Erich Kästner (1899-1974) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Bernhard Kellermann (1879-1951) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Alfred Georg Hermann (1890-1928) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Klaus Mann (1906-1949) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (1886-1969) ()
[Relation to person or institution] László Moholy-Nagy (1916-1966) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Erich Mühsam (1878-1934) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Asta Nielsen (1881-1972) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Kurt Pinthus (1886-1975) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Erwin Piscator (1893-1966) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Alfred Polgar (1873-1955) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Joachim Ringelnatz (1883-1934) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Georg Trakl (1887-1914) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Sergei Tretyakov (1892-1937) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Kurt Tucholsky (1890-1935) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Robert Gilbert (1899-1978) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Erich Weinert (1890-1953) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Carl Zuckmayer (1896-1977) ()
Intellectual creation Bernd Frank (1942-) ()
Intellectual creation Werner Heinitz (1928-) ()