

"An enemy or a foe is an individual or a group that is considered as forcefully adverse or threatening. The concept of an enemy has been observed to be "basic for both individuals and communities". The term "enemy" serves the social function of designating a particular entity as a threat, thereby invoking an intense emotional response to that entity. The state of being or having an enemy is enmity, foehood or foeship." - ( 29.02.2020)

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Brandenburgische Kriegs-Scenen: Menschlichkeit der Feinde gegen den verwundeten KleistVerhaftung des Trierer Erzbischofs und Kurfürsten Philipp Christoph von Sötern 1635Bildpostkarte "Einzug unserer Feinde in Berlin"Medaille, Einigkeit macht stark und trifft den Feind ins MarkGrabkreuz für den indischen Gefangenen Hamidalla KabrillDiptera, Syrphidae, Eristallinae
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