
Otto I, Margrave of Brandenburg (1125-1184)

"Otto I (c. 1128 – July 8, 1184) was the second Margrave of Brandenburg, from 1170 until his death." - ( 31.01.2020)

What we know


brother of Bernhard, Count of Anhalt [brother of], Siegfried, Prince-Archbishop of Bremen [brother of]
father of Albert II, Margrave of Brandenburg

Sources & Mentions

Objects and visualizations

Relations to objects

Brandenburg: Otto I.Brandenburg: Otto I.Brandenburg: Otto I.Brandenburg: Otto I.Anhalt: Albrecht der BärBrandenburg: Otto I.
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Relations to actor

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Was depicted (Actor) Otto I, Margrave of Brandenburg (1125-1184)
[Relation to person or institution] A. Riechmann & Co.

Commissioned Otto I, Margrave of Brandenburg (1125-1184)
[Relation to person or institution] A. Riechmann & Co.

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