
Katharina Gerlach (1520-1591)

"Katharina Gerlachin (also Gerlach, b. c. 1520, d. 1592) was a German printer in Nuremberg. She acted as director of the Berg & Neuber printing house, founded c. 1542 by her husband Johann vom Berg and Ulrich Neuber, from 1564 until her death.

Born Katharina Bischoff, she married one Nicolas Schmid in 1536. She had a daughter named Katharina in 1539, and after her first husband's death in 1540, as Catherina Schmidin, she married Johann vom Berg in 1541. The birth of a daughter, Veronica, is recorded for 1545.

After vom Berg's death in 1563 she married his junior partner Dietrich Gerlach (d. 1575). " - ( 21.12.2020)

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Published Katharina Gerlach (1520-1591)
Intellectual creation / Painted Andreas Herneisen (1538-1610)

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