
Louis IX (1417-1479)

"Louis IX (also known as Louis the Rich; 23 February 1417 – 18 January 1479), (German: Ludwig IX, Herzog von Bayern-Landshut) was Duke of Bavaria-Landshut from 1450. He was a son of Henry XVI the Rich and Margaret of Austria." - ( 11.08.2021)

What we know


was born Burghausen February 21, 1417
died Landshut January 18, 1479
Husband of Amalia of Saxony
father of George [son of], Amalia of Saxony [mother of]
father of Margaret of Bavaria, Electress Palatine
son of Henry XVI, Duke of Bavaria
was buried Landshut


official Duke

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Die Ehrenpforte für Kaiser Maximilian I., Schaft des rechten äußeren Freisäulenp
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Was depicted (Actor) Louis IX (1417-1479)
Printing plate produced Hans Springinklee (1495-1540)
Printing plate produced Hieronymus Andreae (-1556)
Intellectual creation Kölderer, Jörg

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