
Wilhelmine Schröder-Devrient (1804-1860)

"Wilhelmine Schröder-Devrient, born Wilhelmine Schröder (6 December 1804 – 26 January 1860), was a German operatic soprano. As a singer, she combined a rare quality of tone with dramatic intensity of expression, which was as remarkable on the concert platform as in opera." - ( 12.07.2020)

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Tafel 1564, Wilhelmine Schröder-DevrientTafel 1563, Bild 1, [Wilhelmine] Schröder-DevrientTafel 1563, Bild 2, [Wilhelmine] Schröder-DevrientTafel 1563, Bild 3, [Wilhelmine] Schröder-DevrientTafel 1565, Bild 1, [Wilhelmine] Schröder-DevrientTafel 1565, Bild 2, [Wilhelmine] Schröder-Devrient
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Was depicted (Actor) Wilhelmine Schröder-Devrient (1804-1860)
Created Ernst Kietz

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