
Ladislaus the Posthumous (1440-1457)

"Ladislaus the Posthumous, known also as Ladislas (Hungarian: Utószülött László; Croatian: Ladislav Posmrtni; Czech: Ladislav Pohrobek; German: Ladislaus Postumus, 22 February 1440 – 23 November 1457), was Duke of Austria, and King of Hungary, Croatia and Bohemia. He was the posthumous son of Albert of Habsburg with Elizabeth of Luxembourg. Albert had bequeathed all his realms to his future son on his deathbed, but only the estates of Austria accepted his last will. Fearing an Ottoman invasion, the majority of the Hungarian lords and prelates offered the crown to Vladislaus III of Poland. The Hussite noblemen and towns of Bohemia did not acknowledge the hereditary right of Albert´s descendants to the throne, but also did not elect a new king." - ( 05.12.2020)

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Ungarn: Ladislaus V.Herzöge von Österreich: Ladislaus V. (Postumus) (1453–1457)Erzherzöge von Österreich: Ladislaus V. (Postumus) (1453–1457)Erzherzöge von Österreich: Ladislaus V. (Postumus) (1453–1457)Erzherzöge von Österreich: Ladislaus V. (Postumus) (1453–1457)Erzherzöge von Österreich: Ladislaus V. (Postumus) (1453–1457)
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Commissioned Ladislaus the Posthumous (1440-1457)

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