
George, Duke of Saxony (1471-1539)

"George the Bearded, Duke of Saxony (Meissen, 27 August 1471 – Dresden, 17 April 1539), was Duke of Saxony from 1500 to 1539 known for his opposition to the Reformation. While the Ernestine line embraced Lutheranism, the Albertines (headed by George) were reluctant to do so. Despite George´s efforts to avoid a succession by a Lutheran upon his death in 1539, he could not prevent it from happening. Under the Act of Settlement of 1499, Lutheran Henry IV became the new duke. Upon his accession, Henry introduced Lutheranism as a state religion in the Albertine lands of Saxony.

Duke George was a member of the Order of the Golden Fleece." - ( 14.06.2020)

What we know


brother of Henry IV [brother of], Frederick of Saxony [brother of]
son of Sidonie of Poděbrady [mother of], Albert III, Duke of Saxony [father of]

Sources & Mentions

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Herzog Georg von SachsenSachsen: Friedrich III., Georg und Johann der BeständigeSachsen: Friedrich III., Georg und Johann der BeständigeMeister des Kardinal Albrecht: Georg der Bärtige von SachsenSachsen: Friedrich III., Georg und JohannSachsen
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Was depicted (Actor) George, Duke of Saxony (1471-1539)
Printing plate produced / Intellectual creation Lucas Cranach the Elder (1472-1553)
Printing plate produced Balthasar Jenichen (1550-1621)

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