
Vittoria Colonna (1492-1557)

"Vittoria Colonna (April 1492 – 25 February 1547), marchioness of Pescara, was an Italian noblewoman and poet. As an educated, married noblewoman whose husband was in captivity, Colonna was able to develop relationships within the intellectual circles of Ischia and Naples. Her early poetry began to attract attention in the late 1510s and she ultimately became one of the most popular female poets of sixteenth-century Italy. Upon the early death of her husband, she took refuge at a convent in Rome. Although she remained a laywoman, she did experience a strong spiritual renewal and remained devoutly religious for the remainder of her life. Colonna is also known to have been a spiritual mentor to Michelangelo Buonarroti, himself a poet." - ( 31.01.2020)

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Michelangelo am Sarg der Vittoria ColonnaVittoria ColonnaVictoria ColonnaVittoria Colonna (Marino bei Rom 1492 – 25. Februar 1547 Rom), Dichterin
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This actor (left) is related to objects with which other actors (right) are related to

Was depicted (Actor) Vittoria Colonna (1492-1557)
Was depicted (Actor) Michelangelo (1475-1564)
Intellectual creation Sebastiano del Piombo (1485-1547)

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