
Anna von Mildenburg (1872-1947)

"Anna Bellschan von Mildenburg (November 29, 1872 – January 27, 1947) was an eminent Wagnerian soprano of Austrian nationality. Known as Anna Bahr-Mildenburg after her 1909 marriage, she had been a protégé of the composer/conductor Gustav Mahler during his musical directorship at the Hamburg State Opera. In 1898, Mahler took her to the Vienna Opera, where she established herself as one of the great stars during his celebrated tenure there as music director." - ( 12.11.2020)

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Anna Bahr-Mildenburg als Klytämnestra in Hofmannsthals "Elektra"Anna Bahr-Mildenburg als Klytämnestra mit Stab in Hofmannsthals "Elektra"Theaterszene: Uraufführung von "Das Salzburger Große Welttheater" in der SalzburSzenenbild der Aufführung von "Das Salzburger Große Welttheater" (No.15)Bühnenbild von "Das Salzburger Große Welttheater" bei den Salzburger FestspielenAnsichtskarte mit Anna Bahr-Mildenburg, verschickt von Herrmann Bahr an Gerty vo
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Was depicted (Actor) Anna von Mildenburg (1872-1947)
Image taken Magasin Metropole

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