
Albert, Duke in Prussia (1490-1568)

"Albert of Prussia (German: Albrecht von Preussen; 17 May 1490 – 20 March 1568) was a German nobleman who was the 37th Grand Master of the Teutonic Knights, who after converting to Lutheranism, became the first ruler of the Duchy of Prussia, the secularized state that emerged from the former Monastic State of the Teutonic Knights. Albert was the first European ruler to establish Lutheranism, and thus Protestantism, as the official state religion of his lands. He proved instrumental in the political spread of Protestantism in its early stage, ruling the Prussian lands for nearly six decades (1510–1568)." - ( 01.06.2020)

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Lorenz, Carl Heinrich: 300 Jahre Universität KönigsbergLorenz, Carl Heinrich: 300 Jahre Universität KönigsbergPreußen: HerzogtumPreußen: HerzogtumPreußen: HerzogtumPreußen: Herzogtum
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Was depicted (Actor) Albert, Duke in Prussia (1490-1568)
Printing plate produced Pieter van der Heyden (1530-1572)

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