
Konstantin Wecker (1947-)

"Konstantin Alexander Wecker (born June 1, 1947, Munich) is a German singer-songwriter; he also works as a composer, author, and actor." - ( 15.09.2021)

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Prominente für die AIDS-Hilfe 17.6.1985 III N12Prominente für die AIDS-Hilfe 17.6.1985 IV N4Prominente für die AIDS-Hilfe 17.6.1985 IV N5Prominente für die AIDS-Hilfe 17.6.1985 IIIProminente für die AIDS-Hilfe 17.6.1985 IV
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Was depicted (Actor) Konstantin Wecker (1947-)
Was depicted (Actor) Berliner Aids-Hilfe e. V.

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