
Christian Friedrich Daniel Schubart (1739-1791)

"Christian Friedrich Daniel Schubart (24 March 1739 – 10 October 1791), was a German poet, organist, composer, and journalist. He was repeatedly punished for his social-critical writing and spent ten years in severe conditions in jail." - ( 24.11.2019)

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Brief Ch. F. D. Schubarts an J. W. L. Gleim, Veste Asberg im November 1786Brief Ch. F. D. Schubarts an J. W. L. Gleim, Hohen Aßberg im Februar 1787Brief Ch. F. D. Schubarts an A. L. Karsch im Februar 1787Christian Friedrich Daniel Schubart
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Written Christian Friedrich Daniel Schubart (1739-1791)

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