
Max Pallenberg (1877-1934)

"Max Pallenberg (born 18 December 1877 in Vienna as Max Pollack – 26 June 1934 in Karlovy Vary) was an Austrian singer, actor and comedian.

Although Pallenberg's career started in 1904 it wasn't until 1909 that he joined Theater an der Wien and (as of 1911) Vienna's Deutsches Volkstheater. However, it was at Berlin's Deutsches Theater where he left a lasting mark on German theatrical practice. He worked there with Max Reinhardt.

Pallenberg's stellar role was in the Erwin Piscator's dramatic adaptation of Jaroslav Hašek's novel The Good Soldier Schweik.

In 1917 he married Fritzi Massary who was one of the divas of the 1920s. In 1933 they left Germany for Austria. A year later he died in an airplane crash near Karlovy Vary in today's Czech Republic. He was cremated at Feuerhalle Simmering, where his ashes are also buried." - ( 12.08.2021)

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Ansichtskarte von Max Pallenberg und Fritzi Massary an Hofmannsthal mit AnsichtOperndichtung: Die ägyptische Helena; Drama: Der Unbestechliche
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Mentioned Max Pallenberg (1877-1934)

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