
Marie de´ Medici (1575-1642)

"Marie de´ Medici (French: Marie de Médicis, Italian: Maria de´ Medici; 26 April 1575 – 3 July 1642) was Queen of France as the second wife of King Henry IV of France, of the House of Bourbon. She was a member of the wealthy and powerful House of Medici. Following the assassination of her husband in 1610, which occurred the day after her coronation, she acted as regent for her son, King Louis XIII of France, until 1617, when he came of age. She was noted for her ceaseless political intrigues at the French court and extensive artistic patronage." - ( 31.01.2020)

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Medaille auf König Heinrich IV. von Frankreich und Maria de`MediciMedaille von Pierre Regnier auf Maria de‘ Medici und die Übernahme der RegentschMedaille auf den Regentschaftsantritt der Königin Maria de´ Medici, 1610Medaille auf König Heinrich IV. von Frankreich und seine Gemahlin Maria de´ MediMedaille auf die Geburt des Thronfolgers Ludwig XIII. von Frankreich am 27. SeptMedaille von Guillaume Dupré auf Maria de´ Medici, Königin von Frankreich, 1624
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This actor (left) is related to objects with which other actors (right) are related to

Was depicted (Actor) Marie de´ Medici (1575-1642)
Was depicted (Actor) Henry IV of France (1553-1610)

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