
Johann Gottfried Herder (1744-1803)

"Johann Gottfried (after 1802 von) Herder (/ˈhɜːrdər/ HUR-dər, German: [ˈjoːhan ˈɡɔtfʁiːt ˈhɛʁdɐ]; 25 August 1744 – 18 December 1803) was a German philosopher, theologian, poet, and literary critic. He is associated with the Enlightenment, Sturm und Drang, and Weimar Classicism." - ( 31.05.2022)

What we know


was born Morąg August 25, 1744
died Weimar December 18, 1803
Husband of Maria Karoline Flachsland
Member Freimaurerloge "Zum Schwert"
father of Siegmund August Wolfgang von Herder [son of], Maria Karoline Flachsland [mother of]
father of Luise Stichling [daughter of], Maria Karoline Flachsland [mother of]
father of Emil Gottfried von Herder [son of], Maria Karoline Flachsland [mother of]
father of Wilhelm Christian Gottfried Herder [son of], Maria Karoline Flachsland [mother of]


Student Medicine Kaliningrad 1762
Student Philosophy, Theology Immanuel Kant Kaliningrad 1762-1764
professional / worker Collegium Fridericianum Kaliningrad 1762-1764
professional / worker Riga 1764-1769
Traveller Nantes 1769
Traveller Paris 1769
Traveller Hamburg 1770
Traveller Darmstadt 1770
has met Gotthold Ephraim Lessing Hamburg 1770
has met Johann Joachim Christoph Bode Hamburg 1770
has met Matthias Claudius Hamburg 1770
has met Maria Karoline Flachsland Darmstadt 1770
has met Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Strasbourg 1770
fiancé Maria Karoline Flachsland 1770-1773
bridegroom Maria Karoline Flachsland Darmstadt 1773
has met Sophie von La Roche Oßmannstedt 1799
was portrayed Gerhard von Kügelgen

Sources & Mentions

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Porträt Johann Gottfried HerderBüste Johann Gottfried HerderJohann Gottfried HerderBildnis des J. G. von HerderPorträt Johann Gottfried HerderHerder: Manuskript, 4.11.1787
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Was depicted (Actor) Johann Gottfried Herder (1744-1803)

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