
Frederick I, Margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach (1460-1536)

"Frederick I of Ansbach and Bayreuth (also known as Frederick V; German: Friedrich V. von Brandenburg-Ansbach-Kulmbach or Friedrich der Ältere; 8 May 1460 – 4 April 1536) was born at Ansbach as the eldest son of Albert III, Margrave of Brandenburg by his second wife Anna, daughter of Frederick II, Elector of Saxony. His elder half-brother was the Elector Johann Cicero of Brandenburg. Friedrich succeeded his father as Margrave of Ansbach in 1486 and his younger brother Siegmund as Margrave of Bayreuth in 1495." - ( 11.08.2021)

What we know


father of George [son of], Sophia Jagiellon, Margravine of Brandenburg-Ansbach [mother of]
father of Albert of Mainz [son of], Sophia Jagiellon, Margravine of Brandenburg-Ansbach [mother of]

Sources & Mentions

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Miniaturporträt des Markgrafen Friedrich der Ältere von Brandenburg-AnsbachHalbschilling Friedrichs V. von Brandenburg-Ansbach-KulmbachFriedrich d. Ä. und SiegmundBrandenburg-Ansbach: Friedrich V.
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Was depicted (Actor) Frederick I, Margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach (1460-1536)
[Relation to person or institution] House of Württemberg

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