
William II of Württemberg (1848-1921)

"William II (German: Wilhelm II; 25 February 1848 – 2 October 1921) was the last King of Württemberg. He ruled from 6 October 1891 until the abolition of the kingdom on 30 November 1918." - ( 24.12.2019)

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Postkarte "König Wilhelm II. von Württemberg"Postkarte Wilhelm II. von WürttembergKönig Wilhelm II von WürttembergKrone der Könige von WürttembergPlakette zur Silberhochzeit des württembergischen Königspaars Wilhelm II. und ChKönig Wilhelm II. von Württemberg
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Was depicted (Actor) William II of Württemberg (1848-1921)

[Relation to person or institution] William II of Württemberg (1848-1921)

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