
Alberto Hamerani (1620-1677)

"First of the Hamerani family of coin and medal producers. Medallist; coin-engraver. Born in Rome, 1620. Son of Andreas Hameran and Margherita Corradini. Appointed medallist to Popes Clement IX and Clement X. Father of Giovanni Hamerani (q.v.) and Anna Hamerani. Died in Rome, 1677." -, 01.10.2017

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Medaille von Alberto Hamerani auf Papst Clemens IX. und seine Mildtätigkeit, 166Medaille auf Papst Clemens IX. und auf die Heiligsprechung des Petrus von AlcantHamerani, Giovanni Martino: Alberto Hamerani und Giovanni Hamerani
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Created Alberto Hamerani (1620-1677)
Was depicted (Actor) Clement IX (1600-1669)
Was depicted (Actor) Jesus Christ
Was depicted (Actor) Peter of Alcantara (1499-1562)

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