
Eleonor Magdalene of Neuburg (1655-1720)

"Eleonore Magdalene of Neuburg (Eleonore Magdalene Therese; 6 January 1655 – 19 January 1720) was a Holy Roman Empress, German Queen, Archduchess of Austria, Queen of Hungary and Bohemia as the third and last wife of Leopold I. She was the paternal grandmother of Empress Maria Theresa.

Reputed to be one of the most educated and the virtuous women of her time (she translated the Bible from Latin to German), she took part in the political affairs during the reign of her husband and sons. She served as regent for a few months in 1711 and it was during this period that the Treaty of Szatmár was signed, which recognized the rights of her descendants in the Kingdom of Hungary. Before her marriage and during her widowhood she led an ascetic and monastic life." - ( 31.01.2020)

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Medaille von Philipp Heinrich Müller auf die Krönung Josephs I., 1690Medaille auf Kaiser Leopold I. und seine Gemahlin Eleonore Magdalene von Pfalz-NMedaille von Georg Hautsch auf die Krönung Eleonore Magdalenas zur Kaiserin und[Kaiserin Eleonora Magdalena Theresia]Leopoldo et EleonoraeEleonora Magdalena Theresia
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Was depicted (Actor) Eleonor Magdalene of Neuburg (1655-1720)

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