
Jean Dassier (1676-1763)

"Jean Dassier (August or October 17, 1676 – November 12, 1763) was a Genevan engraver and medallist.

Dassier was born in Geneva, and his father was the official Mint Engraver for the Republic of Geneva. In 1703 Dassier married Anne Prevost-Gaudy, and they had two sons. He studied in Paris with Jean Mauger and Joseph Roettiers, and he became an assistant to his father. In 1712 Dassier was admitted as a master in the guild of goldsmiths. In 1720 he succeeded his father as the official engraver for Geneva. He was appointed to the Council of Two Hundred in 1738. Dassier died on November 12, 1763. " - ( 10.08.2021)

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Serienmedaille auf Philipp Melanchthon 1725Medaille anlässlich der Feier des Jahrestages des Consensus Tigurinus 1749 (GalvMedaille auf die 200. Jahrfeier der Reformation in Genf 1735 (Galvano VorderseitMedaille auf die 200. Jahrfeier der Reformation in Genf 1735 (Galvano VorderseitSerienmedaille auf den Reformator Martin Bucer 1725Serienmedaille auf den Reformator Paul Fagius 1725
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Created Jean Dassier (1676-1763)
Was depicted (Actor) Philipp Melanchthon (1497-1560)

Form designed Jean Dassier (1676-1763)
Was depicted (Actor) Martin Bucer (1491-1551)
Was depicted (Actor) Paul Fagius (1504-1549)

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