
Charles Norbert Roettiers (1720-1772)

"Charles Norbert Roettiers (August 15, 1720 – November 19, 1772) was a noted French engraver and medallist.

Roettiers was born in Paris to Joseph-Charles Roettiers (April 13, 1691 – March 14, 1779), into the celebrated Roettier family of medallists, silversmiths, and goldsmiths. He served as engraver-general of the French mint (1753–1768), and graveur particulier de l'atelier monétaire de Paris until his death (1759–1772). He became a member of the Académie in 1764." - ( 21.06.2022)

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Roëttiers, Charles Norbert: Ludwig XV., Nachprägung
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Created Charles Norbert Roettiers (1720-1772)
Was depicted (Actor) Louis XV of France (1710-1774)

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2014 2016
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