
Caspar Netscher (1639-1684)

"Caspar (or Gaspar) Netscher (1639 – January 15, 1684) was a Dutch portrait and genre painter. He was a master in depicting oriental rugs, silk and brocade and introduced an international style to the Northern Netherlands." - ( 29.05.2021)

What we know


was born Heidelberg 1639
died The Hague January 15, 1684


professional / worker Bordeaux 1659
professional / worker The Hague 1660-1684
Student Gerard ter Borch Deventer

Sources & Mentions

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Bildnis eines JünglingsBildnis eines Herrn mit Allongeperücke (Portrait of a gentleman with an allongeBildnis einer Dame (Portrait of a Lady)Markgraf Ludwig von Brandenburg (1666-1687)Willem (Wilhelm) III. von Oranien (1650-1702)La Leçon de Musique vocale
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Painted Caspar Netscher (1639-1684)
[Relation to person or institution] House of Hohenzollern

Template creation Caspar Netscher (1639-1684)

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