
Maximilian I Joseph of Bavaria (1756-1825)

"Maximilian I Joseph (German: Maximilian I. Joseph; 27 May 1756 – 13 October 1825) was Duke of Zweibrücken from 1795 to 1799, prince-elector of Bavaria (as Maximilian IV Joseph) from 1799 to 1806, then King of Bavaria (as Maximilian I Joseph) from 1806 to 1825. He was a member of the House of Palatinate-Birkenfeld-Zweibrücken, a branch of the House of Wittelsbach." - ( 01.11.2019)

What we know


was born Mannheim May 27, 1756
Husband of Landgravine Augusta Wilhelmine of Hesse-Darmstadt September 30, 1785-March 30, 1796
died Nymphenburg Palace October 12, 1825
Husband of Caroline of Baden
Member House of Wittelsbach
son of Frederick Michael, Count Palatine of Zweibrücken [father of], Countess Palatine Maria Franziska of Sulzbach [mother of]
was buried Theatine Church, Munich


bridegroom Darmstadt September 30, 1785
bridegroom Caroline of Baden March 30, 1797

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Maximillian Joseph I., König von BayernPorträtbüste: Max I. Joseph, König von Bayern (1756-1825)Bayern: Maximilian I. JosephMaximilian Joseph (1756-1825)Zerstörtes Repräsentationsporträt des Königs Max Joseph I von Bayern nach einerBesitzergreifungspatent über die Angliederung der Pfalz an Bayern
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Was depicted (Actor) Maximilian I Joseph of Bavaria (1756-1825)

[Relation to person or institution] Maximilian I Joseph of Bavaria (1756-1825)
[Relation to person or institution] Napoleon (1769-1821)

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