
Teresa, Contessa Guiccioli (1800-1873)

"Teresa, Contessa Guiccioli (1800–1873) was the married lover of Lord Byron while he was living in Ravenna and writing the first five cantos of Don Juan. She wrote the biographical account Lord Byron´s Life in Italy.

On 19 January 1818, Teresa married an elderly diplomat, Count Alessandro Guiccioli, who was 50 years older than her. It was three days later, on 22 January, that she met Lord Byron at the home of Countess Albrizzi. Count Guiccioli was a ruthless and opportunistic nobleman who had ingratiated himself with Napoleon during his campaign in Italy in 1796, and during the French rule of Italy during the Napoleonic era, Count Guiccioli held a series of high offices, making him one of the most powerful men in Italy. When France was on the verge of defeat in 1814, Count Guiccioli defected over to the opposing side and came to enjoy power under the Pope, who he had starting out serving before defecting over to Napoleon. A cold, calculating man who had preferred to serve the strong rather than the weak, supporting Napoleon as long as he was winning and switched sides the moment he started losing, Count Guiccioli inspired no love or affection from anyone who knew him. Even Guiccioli´s children from his previous marriages denounced their father was a cold, grasping man only interested in money and power. There is no evidence that Teresa, his third wife, ever felt any affection for her husband.  " - ( 04.10.2020)

What we know


Lover of Lord Byron

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