
Kombinat VEB Pentacon Dresden

Kamerahersteller in Dresden

Objects and visualizations

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Kleinbild-Diaprojektor "Aspectar N 24"Fotoobjektiv "Pentacon electric 2,8/29 MC"Fotoobjektiv "Pentacon electric 4/200 MC"Fotoobjektiv "Pentacon auto 1,8/50 Multi Coating"Kleinbildiarahmen aus grauem KunststoffKamera, Praktica Super TL
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Relations to actor

This actor (left) is related to objects with which other actors (right) are related to

Created Kombinat VEB Pentacon Dresden
Was used Maik Tews
Form designed Manfred Claus (1934-)

Was depicted (Actor) Kombinat VEB Pentacon Dresden
Was depicted (Actor) Gabriele Seyfert (1948-)

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Relations to time periods

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Activity (Interactions with objects)

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