
Niccolò Pagni Figlio e Comp.

Verlag in Florenz.

Objects and visualizations

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S. Gio. Battista che predica alle Turbe; S. Jean Baptiste qui prêche au Peuple;L'Adorazione dei Re Magi; L'Adoration des Mages [Die Anbetung der Könige; L'AdorBattesimo di Gesù Cristo; Baptême de Jesus Christ [Taufe Christi; Le Baptême deS. Francesco riceve le Stimate; S. François reçoit les Stigmates [Stigmatisation
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This actor (left) is related to objects with which other actors (right) are related to

Published Niccolò Pagni Figlio e Comp.
Template creation / Intellectual creation Domenico Ghirlandaio (1448-1494)

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