
Agostino Ciampelli (1566-1630)

"Agostino Ciampelli (29 August 1565 – 22 April 1630) was an Italian painter of the Baroque period. He trained with Santi di Tito in Florence, and painted in Rome under Clement VIII, including a Crucifixion for Santa Prassede and a Saint Giovanni Gualberto in its sacristy; Angels on the walls above the choirstalls in the apse of Santa Maria in Trastevere; frescoes of the Stoning of Saint Vitale in San Vitale and further frescoes in the little church of Santa Bibiena; and The Visitation in Sant Stefano di Pescia. At the Basilica of San Giovanni in Laterano, Ciampelli frescoed the walls of the canons' sacristy, the "Sala Clementina"." - ( 03.01.2021)

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Halbfigur eines hinabblickenden Jünglings mit erhobenem rechten Arm[Martyrium eines Heiligen]Die Hl. Bibiana begräbt die Märtyrer oder: Die Auffindung der Leichen von Abundi
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Drawn Agostino Ciampelli (1566-1630)

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