
Hans von Bülow (1830-1894)

"Hans Guido Freiherr von Bülow (January 8, 1830 – February 12, 1894) was a German conductor, virtuoso pianist, and composer of the Romantic era. As one of the most distinguished conductors of the 19th century, his activity was critical for establishing the successes of several major composers of the time, especially Richard Wagner and Johannes Brahms. Alongside Carl Tausig, Bülow was perhaps the most prominent of the early students of Hungarian virtuoso pianist, conductor and composer Franz Liszt—therein performed the first public performance of Liszt´s Sonata in B minor in 1857. He became acquainted with, fell in love and eventually married Liszt´s daughter Cosima, who later left him for Wagner. Noted for his interpretation of the works of Ludwig van Beethoven, he was one of the earliest European musicians to tour the United States." - ( 30.01.2020)

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Von Bülow: Albumblatt "Ich glaube an Bach …", 22.11.1886Pozsony, Franz Liszt und Hans von BülowPorträt des Hans von BülowTafel 239, H.[ans] von BülowHans von Bülow und Cosima Liszt
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Written Hans von Bülow (1830-1894)

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1885 1887
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