
Charles (1785-1853)

"Karl, Prince of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen (20 February 1785 – 11 March 1853) was the reigning Prince of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen from 1831 to 1848.

In 1833, Karl summoned a constitutional assembly (Landtag) and promulgated a constitutional charter as the law in his lands. He founded a hospital for his subjects, and had the Ständehaus built on the modern Leopoldsplatz in Sigmaringen (today owned by the Hohenzollerische Landesbank). Karl also removed the burden of serfdom and various other medieval laws.

During the Revolutions of 1848 in the German states Karl abdicated in favor of his son, Karl Anton, on 27 August 1848." - ( 29.08.2020)

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Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen: KarlHohenzollern-Sigmaringen: KarlHohenzollern-Sigmaringen: KarlHohenzollern-Sigmaringen, Fürstentum: 1/2 Gulden 1838
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Was depicted (Actor) Charles (1785-1853)

Commissioned Charles (1785-1853)

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