
Tobias Falke (1776-1836)

Graveur, Kupferstecher und Stahlstecher, geb. und gest. in Nürnberg, letzte Portraits gestochen um 1830 für das Bibliographische Institut in Hildburghausen (GND, 4.1.2019)

"letzte Portraits gestochen um 1830 für das Bibliographische Institut in Hildburghausen" - gnd, 25.10.2020

Relationships with persons or entities via objects

(The left column lists the relations of this actor to objects in the right column. In the middle you find other actors in relation to the same objects.)

Created Tobias Falke (1776-1836)
Was depicted (Actor) Martin Luther (1483-1546) ()
Was depicted (Actor) Philipp Melanchthon (1497-1560) ()
Was depicted (Actor) John Calvin (1509-1564) ()
Was depicted (Actor) Huldrych Zwingli (1484-1531) ()