
Johann Ludwig Albert Wagner (1773-1845)

"Wagner, Johann Ludwig Albert (Germ.). Medallist, born at Durlach in 1773; Engraver to the Royal Mint of Württemberg at Stuttgart, 1798-1845. He cut many dies for the coinage of Frederick, as Duke 1797-1803, Elector 1803-1805, and King 1806-1816, and William (1816-1864) ... Among his medals, the following are possibly the best known: Württemberg Prize medal for agriculture, undated; - Memorial medal of Schiller, undated (signed: WAGNER); - Marriage medal of Jerome Napoleon with Princess Caroline of Württemberg, 1807 (2 var.); - Military medal of Frederick, King of Württemberg 1814, for th Victory of Fére Champenoise, 1814; - Commemorative medal of the Battle of Fére Chamemoise, 25. March 1814, with portrait of the Crown Prince of Württemberg, Frederick William 1814; - Portrait-medallion of the sculptor Danecker, with the legend: Was wir | als Schönheit | hier empfunden | wird einst | als Wahrheit uns | entgegen gehen | Schiller |1826 | A. W. (described by Nagler).
Joh. Ludwig Wagner died in 1845. He was fahter of the artists Theodore and Sigmund W." - Leonard Forrer, Biographical Dictionary of Medallists, Vol. VI (London 1916), S. 342

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Created Johann Ludwig Albert Wagner (1773-1845)
[Relation to person or institution] House of Württemberg ()
[Relation to person or institution] Bertel Thorvaldsen (1770-1844) ()

Template creation Johann Ludwig Albert Wagner (1773-1845)
Was depicted (Actor) / Commissioned Frederick I of Württemberg (1754-1816) ()
[Relation to person or institution] House of Hohenstaufen ()
[Relation to person or institution] House of Württemberg ()