
Lorenz Eyselein (1619-1678)


Relationships with persons or entities via objects

(The left column lists the relations of this actor to objects in the right column. In the middle you find other actors in relation to the same objects.)

Was depicted (Actor) Lorenz Eyselein (1619-1678)
Was depicted (Actor) Hans Wolff von Wolffsthal ()
Was depicted (Actor) Nicolai, Daniel ()
Was depicted (Actor) Otto, Otto ()
Was depicted (Actor) Polycarp Heiland (1614-1662) ()
Was depicted (Actor) Crinesius, Johann Nicolaus ()
Was depicted (Actor) Georg Achatz Heher (1601-1667) ()
Was depicted (Actor) August Carpzov (1612-1683) ()
Was depicted (Actor) Sir William Curtius (1599-1678) ()
Was depicted (Actor) (...) Goldstein ()
Was depicted (Actor) Johann Adam Sengel ()
Was depicted (Actor) Thiersberg, Carl Röder ()
Was depicted (Actor) Schütz, Johann Heinrich ()
Was depicted (Actor) Johann von Giesen ()
Was depicted (Actor) Johann Krull ()
Was depicted (Actor) Andreas Stier (1605-1661) ()
Was depicted (Actor) Johann Adam Krebs (-1674) ()
Was depicted (Actor) Wilhelm von (um 1649) Goll ()
Was depicted (Actor) Johann Georg Oexle (1604-1675) ()
Was depicted (Actor) Ottavio Piccolomini (1599-1656) ()
Was depicted (Actor) Carl Gustaf Wrangel (1613-1676) ()
Was depicted (Actor) Grundherr, Ulrich ()
Printing plate produced Wolfgang Kilian (1581-1662) ()