
Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany (1519-1574)

"Cosimo I de´ Medici (12 June 1519 – 21 April 1574) was the second Duke of Florence from 1537 until 1569, when he became the first Grand Duke of Tuscany, a title he held until his death." - ( 30.10.2019)

Relationships with persons or entities via objects

(The left column lists the relations of this actor to objects in the right column. In the middle you find other actors in relation to the same objects.)

Was depicted (Actor) Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany (1519-1574)
Created / Intellectual creation Giambologna (1529-1608) ()
Was depicted (Actor) Benvenuto Cellini (1500-1571) ()
Was depicted (Actor) Pius V (1504-1572) ()
Was depicted (Actor) Francis I of France (1494-1547) ()
Printing plate produced Martino (1520/32-1582/3) Rota ()
Printing plate produced Agostino Carracci (1557-1602) ()
Printing plate produced / Intellectual creation Tobias Stimmer (1539-1584) ()
Printing plate produced Jacob de Gheyn II-Werkstatt ()
Printing plate produced Haelwegh, Adriaen ()
Printing plate produced Antonio Tempesta (1555-1630) ()
Printing plate produced Étienne Dupérac (1520-1604) ()
Printing plate produced Dominicus Custos (1560-1612) ()
Printed / Published Perna, Pietro ()
Intellectual creation / Published Jacob de Gheyn II (1565-1629) ()

[Relation to person or institution] Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany (1519-1574)
[Relation to person or institution] Bartolomeo Ammannati (1511-1592) ()
[Relation to person or institution] Giambologna (1529-1608) ()